Your perfect house can become not so perfect if you suddenly realize you don’t like your neighborhood. That is why selecting the right community is as important as selecting the right home. So how do you pick the right neighborhood? Start by really looking at the neighborhoods around you and not just the homes. Stroll through communities at different times of day and even during the night. Figure out the types of things you like and don’t like about your neighbors. We aren’t suggesting you set up a surveillance van, but it is good to know if the whole neighborhood has dogs that bark all the time.
1: Put Pen to Paper
So what does your new neighborhood really look like? Start with your must haves such as community pool, sidewalks, or street lights. Then move on to the things you really want but aren’t necessities like community activities, walking distance to groceries, or HOAs. The reality is that you will probably have to compromise some wants so prioritize the ones that matter most.
A few things to consider when you are writing include: